John Brown

John Brown
Senior Resident
English Major [2022] / Masters [2023]

Howdy y'all! My name is John Brown and I am an upcoming fifth year graduate student in the English department! I studied English as an undergraduate with interest in various authors such as Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Kurt Vonnegut, and more! I also have a really big interest in Renaissance literature such as Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Middleton's works! If I am not reading poems or plays, I am playing video games or watching animated cartoons. I am a huge fan of fighting video games like Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Street Fighter! You can also find me doing work for Madison House, where I am an upcoming program director of Operations and Records for HELP Line, a crisis line. I have been an RA in Brown since my second-year and it is quite sentimental to be venturing off to a new place next year. That being said, my heart will always be in Brown College at Monroe Hill. The valuable friendships, incredible experiences, and the lovely resident staffs that I have worked with in the past three years will forever inspire me. Please never be shy to send me a text or an email, I would love to tell you what I cherish the most about this place that I will forever cherish! Picture credit to Jessica Pentel / If You're Reading This
