Sister Revolutions

Sister Revolutions

Ben interviewing a historian in Besançon


Sister Revolutions is a public history community documentary podcast sponsored by the City of Charlottesville’s Sister Cities Commission (CSCC) and hosted by Brown College's Symposia podcast. Released as a four-part series between April and May of 2024, historian Benjamin Bernard, Ph.D. and audio producer Sage Tanguay explore the legacy of the American and French Revolutions through the sister city relationship between Charlottesville, Virginia, USA and Besançon, France. The series features extensive conversations with scholars, public historians, curators, and community members at historic and civic institutions in both cities.

Sister Revolutions was produced with support of Brown College residents Lara Howell, Brennen Muller, and Emily Hemlinger. As part of a one-credit interdisciplinary studies class, these students delved into local history, conducted interviews, and edited audio segments used for the final episode.


Notable figures from the Sister Revolutions launch standing together


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